Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Truth is I'm really sad cos I failed driving for the second time,
I feel as though I'm really bad at driving,
much as I'd like to believe otherwise.

Hahaha this is going to sound silly,
but I actually felt quite happy after crying cos I realised that my tear gland hadn't spoilt.
It's silly I know but a couple of months back I thought I was completely devoid of emotions,
that nothing happy or sad could make me cry.
So I'm glad (to a certain extent) that today proved me otherwise.
Okay I'm starting to sound terribly absurd,
please ignore the above paragraph.

So ANYWAYS, failing driving test isn't the end of the world.
I've been having a wonderful time,
putting on weight that is.
But I guess it's good calories so that's not so bad.

Lunch with FACT and friends at Tonkichi on Sunday to celebrate the birthday.
Pictures up soon.

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